Island Optics Ltd. Welcomes STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Visits Harwell Open Day

Mon, 01 Jul 2024

We were thrilled to host Maks and Sonya from STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at our facility on the Isle of Man back in April. Their visit was a great opportunity to showcase our work and discuss future collaborations. Following this, we received an exciting invitation to attend the Harwell Open Day at the end of June.

We decided to extend this unique opportunity to all our staff, and five of our team members, along with Larry Lambda (our mascot), were able to take up the offer. The Harwell Open Day was a fantastic experience that allowed our team to explore the behind-the-scenes operations of some of the world’s most pioneering research facilities.

This visit was especially meaningful for us at Island Optics Ltd. Not only did it provide a rare glimpse into the environments where our optics are utilised, but it also highlighted the broader impact of our work in the realm of cutting-edge scientific research.

Here are some snapshots from our trip:


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